FAQ Productions is gearing to release there first ever Dramedy Series titled "Kenny From The Jump". About the lives of 3 roommate friends Rick,Dom and Johnny all living under one roof and centering on there friend Kenny and their support for his career as a Filmmaker. Production began in July on a 2 day shoot filming the full pilot episode.
Season 1 will consist of 3 episodes and will be adding for early 2020 Season 2. The pilot episode has been confirmed for a September release.
"Kenny From The Jump" was produced on a partnership between Darshawn Sittapalam and Twamboo Moyo. Starring-Jesse Vega as "Johnny",Georgetta Buggs as "DOM" Christopher Tsang as "RICK", Jillian Pelletier as "Amy" and Samantha Sallam as SASHA. With Darshawn voicing "Kenny".
Here are some stills of Episode 1!